Online People Talking with Jen Barkan

Online People Talking with Jen Barkan

#6 - Word of the Year

January 09, 2024

Welcome to Online People Talking with Jen Barkan! In this episode, Jen is joined by Jessie Suggs to celebrate the successful start to the New Year and share some positive data on website activity! They discuss their "word of the year" and how it helps to set their intentions and goals for the year. Jen and Jessie answer the question: "What tools OSC's should be using right now?" and talk about the importance of creating time blocks on your calendar to make sure goals are apparent and at the forefront. 

Word On The Street: Increased Traffic (07:29)

  • People are busy!
  • Kevin Oakley says website activity nationally is up 10% from Dec 28- Jan 1st.
  • New OSC's are gearing up.

Topic Of Today: Word of the Year (11:06)

  • Jessie's word of the year: Less
  • Jen's word of the year is: Success (Context: "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou)
  • Do the hard better!

Video Mailbag: What Tools Should OSC's Be Using? (18:04)

  • Master the tools you already have!
  • Use prospecting cards to help your memory during calls.
  • Have a set of wired headphones.

Skills Check! (24:35)

  • Time blocking.
  • Map out priorities.
  • Utilize your calendar!
