Fletcher Church

Fletcher Church

Latest Episodes

Say Grace! (Philippians 1:3-11)
November 19, 2023

Give Thanks for the Family Called the Church . . . I. It is Proper to Give Joyful Thanks for the Work of God and the Relational Bonds in the Church! (3-7) II. Growing Gratitude Motivates Growing Love and Sanctification to God’s Glory! (8-11) Practical Imp

Hold the Memories; They Will Hold You! (1 Timothy 5:3-16)
November 12, 2023

The Gospel Leads us to Tangibly Honor the Elderly . . . I. Demonstrate your Faith by Honoring and Caring for your Aging Family Members! (3-8) II. Delight to Repay the Kindness and Care of Godly Seniors! (9-10) III. Help Each Other Walk through Loss and He

I'd Sit with You in the Trenches! (1 Timothy 4:14-5:2)
November 05, 2023

Follow God’s Path to Influence . . . I. Cultivate Consistent Gospel Character and Trust God’s Word to do God’s Work! (11-13) (Oct. 29 Sermon) II. Be Responsible to Use your Spiritual Gifts for the Good of God’s Family! (14-15) III. Aim for Salvation, Rest

Look What You Made Me Do! (1 Timothy 4:1-10)
October 22, 2023

The Gospel Transforms us to Pursue Godliness . . . I. False Teaching has Evil Impact from an Evil Source and is delivered by Evil People! (1-5) II. Sound Doctrine leads from Identity to the Hard Work of Progressive Sanctification! (6-10) Practical Implica

Service That Is Beautiful! (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
October 15, 2023

Leaders with Integrity are Essential for Church Health . . . I. Deacons Oversee the Serving Ministries & Physical Needs of the Church! (Acts 6:1-7) II. All Work Is Spiritual, Requiring Leaders to Walk with God in Integrity! (8-12) III. Serve Well; Inf

Defined by the Things I Love! (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
October 08, 2023

Leaders with Integrity are Essential for Church Health . . . I. Elders Oversee the Shepherding of People and the Purity of Doctrine! (1 Pet 5:1-4; Ac 28:17-31; Ti 1:5-9; Heb 13:7-9) II. Desire to be Someone God can Elevate to Elder (or Deacon)! (1) III. V

Nothing New! ( 1 Timothy 3:14-16)
October 01, 2023

Let Your Way of Life in Community Display Christ Well . . . I. Because we are God’s Family and the Guardians of Truth! (14-15) II. Because we have Christ-Centered Good news of Grace-Based Godliness! (16) Practical Implications o How can your lifestyle aff

An Introduction to Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (1 Tim 2:11-15; Gen 1-3)
September 24, 2023

An Introduction to Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: Male and Female He created them . . . I. Men and Women are Equal Image Bearers! (Gen 1)    II. Men and Women are Given Distinct Roles in the Home and Church! (Gen 2)   III. The Fall turns Partnership

Undistracted Pt. 1! (1 Timothy 2:8-15)
September 17, 2023

Avoid Distractions to the Glory of Jesus and His Gospel . . . I. Men Lead the Church to Praise/Prayer from a Heart of Holiness and a Desire for Peace! (8) II. Women Prioritize Internal, not External Beauty! (9-10) 3 Principles: 1. Focus on the Glory of Ch

Until ALL Have Heard! (1 Timothy 2:1-7)
September 10, 2023

Pray for and Pursue the Salvation of ALL People . . . I. Ask for Circumstances and Lifestyles that Give the Gospel its Best Chance to be Heard! (1-2) II. Because it Pleases the Lord and Aligns with His Will to Save People! (3-4) III. Because God is Worthy