Mindful Running

Mindful Running

Latest Episodes

#1: Introduction, Why & What to Expect
November 20, 2021

In this series of 10 short podcasts, I’d like to share the lessons I’ve learned and techniques I’ve adopted to run almost every day for the last 33 years and hopefully continue running without pain for the next 33 years.  I also share my barefoot run

#2: Minimising Impact with a Good Running Posture
November 09, 2021

Running is considered a high impact sport which is both positive and negative.  The positive news is that high impact sports increase you bone density, making them stronger reducing the risk of breakages.  On the negative side is the common unde

#3: Dealing with and Eliminating Aches & Pains
November 08, 2021

In this episode I share tips for dealing with and getting rid of any aches and pains that might result from running.

#4: Chi Running
November 07, 2021

In this episode I share with you the most important habits I have adopted and, in some cases, adapted from the Chi Running book, by Danny Dreyer, to reduce the energy required and impact experienced during my running.

#5: Minimise Impact During Running
November 06, 2021

In this episode I share tips for running lightly with minimal impact on your joints.

#6: Mindfulness
November 05, 2021

In this episode share techniques I use to introduce mindfulness into my running.

#7: Stretching and Other Muscle Groups
November 04, 2021

In this episode I share my stretching routines as they relate to running as well as my daily exercise practice for maintaining strength in my other muscle groups.

#8: Diet and Running Benefits Related to Diet
November 03, 2021

In this episode I share with you details of my diet, why I chose to adopt this diet and the benefits I’ve experienced from eating the way I do.

#9: Running Footwear & Barefoot Running Tips
November 02, 2021

In this episode I share what I have learned about running footwear and why I'm a big advocate of barefoot running.

#10: Ideas for the Future
November 01, 2021

In this final episode I am going to share some ideas I’d like to explore in the future to further help you and me be more mindful in our running and further improve our running style and thereby run for as many years as possible as regularly as we like.