Rooted In Revelation

Rooted In Revelation

Latest Episodes

Mark Jones- Knowing Sin: Seeing a Neglected Doctrine Through the Eyes of the Puritans
August 20, 2022

The first rule of combat is: know your enemy.  We don’t talk a lot about sin these days. But maybe we should. The Puritans sure did—because they understood sin’s deceptive power and wanted to root it out of their lives. Shouldn’t we want the same? &n

Dustin W. Benge- The Loveliest Place: The Beauty And Glory Of The Church
August 15, 2022

How Christians Can Rediscover the Beauty and Glory of the Church Dear. Precious. Lovely. The Bible describes the church in extraordinary ways, even using beautiful poetry and metaphors. How does this compare to how Christians today describe the churc

Brant Bosserman- All Things Forgiveness
August 08, 2022

Jesus taught us to pray, “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matt. 6:12; cf. Lk. 11:4).  It is fascinating that the only fact that the Savior asked us to mention about ourselves in prayer is that we practice forgiving. &nbsp

Vern Poythress- Redeeming Our Thinking About History
July 22, 2022

How does knowledge of the past shape Christians’ views of God, Christ’s redemption, and humanity as a whole? In his new book, Vern S. Poythress teaches Christians how to study and write about the past by emphasizing God’s own command to remember his works

Chris Bolt- Christianity And Liberalism
March 21, 2022

join me and Chris on an awesome conversation!

Chase Davis- The Trinity And Discipleship
March 21, 2022

Are we following Jesus the wrong way? Do you ever wonder if maybe following Jesus has been a little too complicated? Like there are too many badges to earn or bridges to cross to be a disciple? What happens in many churches is very rarely discipleship. Mo

Conley Owens- The Dorean Principle
February 17, 2022

Billions of dollars change hands in the name of Christ, but is the gospel at stake?  Many rightly condemn the wealth amassed by false teachers, but at a fundamental level, little differentiates their practices from those of legitimate ministries. Sem

Patrick Hines- What Is Covenant Theology?
February 07, 2022

Have you ever heard of the word Covenant? When you are reading the bible have you ever considered to yourself how the bible all fits together? curious to learn about God's Redemptive plan for his people? You interested in seeing how all of the scripture i

Stephen Boyce- Historical Fallacies Regarding The NT Canon
February 07, 2022

Stephen Boyce's Story: I had the privilege of being born into a Christian home. Both of my parents love the Lord and desired raised all four of their children to walk in step with the gospel. At the age of 12, I was sitting in a church service listening t

Scott Oliphint- Issues in Theology Proper
January 19, 2022

Check out another episode where Dr. Oliphint helps us understand what theology proper is and issues related to this particular topic. hope you enjoy!