Life in Exile

Life in Exile

Latest Episodes

Gems from Genesis Chapter 46
November 24, 2023

Jacob and family move to Egypt. What will set them apart from the people of that nation? Their role as shepherds. What seems a disgrace is a blessing. God works that way.

The Nations
November 20, 2023

Do you see the nations when you travel? Are you praying for them? God sees them and longs to make them his own. May we be a light to the nations for his glory.

Gems from Genesis Chapter 45
November 17, 2023

When Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers in Genesis 45, they quickly realize this is not the same Joseph they earlier hated and sold into slavery. The difference was God.

Rejoicing and Mourning
November 15, 2023

This life is not the end but a story to be continued. For some, that brings rejoicing but others will mourn. Christ's return will mark the difference.

Gems from Genesis Chapter 44
November 10, 2023

The one who willingly sold one brother would be the same to offer himself for the life of another. Judah had come a long way, and Genesis 44, shows us just how far.

Blessed Are the Networkers
November 06, 2023

Why are networkers an important part of Kingdom work? Because they are uniquely gifted to pull a wide-variety of people together for the same goal. Are you a networker?

Gems from Genesis Chapter 43
November 03, 2023

Peace and provision comes from an unlikely source in chapter 43 of Genesis. You might be that person in someone's life today, if you stay close to your Master.

November 01, 2023

Do the everyday worries of life drag you down? Choosing to live for eternity provides the strength to press on to His glory.

Gems from Genesis Chapter 42
October 27, 2023

Joseph's brothers didn't recognize him, but he definitely recognized both them and God's hand in his life from the moment of his first dream to his place in Pharaoh's court. Genesis 42 has much to teach us.

Stand Your Ground
October 23, 2023

Being heard by mission leadership can seem an impossible task. Stand your ground in obedience to your call and in love for those you serve, and watch what God will do.