Sparking the Sacred

Sparking the Sacred

Latest Episodes

Manifestation is not a strategy.
October 23, 2023

We live in a world where "how to manifest" has become almost a cliche. We're told that there are "secrets" and strategies to follow in order to manifest. In my reality however, manifestation is not a strategy. You cannot will your way into manifestation.

The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation
September 18, 2023

Self-manipulation is an interesting thing. It is so easy to never have to notice, because, of course, there are far too many external manipulations going on -- all of which are easier to notice than those we have internalized against ourselves. Yet, noti

Perceptual Filters Shape Reality: Decloaking as a Process of Self-Discovery
September 03, 2023

Decloaking is a process of Self discovery -- how you came to be who you are, AND who you are capable of becoming once you notice that your perceptual filters can (must!) be shifted. In this intensive, I guide you through a reliable and replicable process

Safety comes from congruency & living authentically
August 31, 2023

When we live authentically, we are safe inside our own beings, and therefore safe in the world. Everything else that pulls us away from our own deep inner knowings is bound to lead to a life of struggle. End of the day, I've discovered: it's a

The inherent power of Crone fire: and why women are taught to shun it.
August 24, 2023

A recording from the monthly Unapologeticaly Unfuckwithable conversation with a small group of women exploring what it means to reclaim our power, and how to do that. A critical conversation about fire involves how we came to cultivate the mindset that

The six fundamentals of freedom
August 19, 2023

Sometimes, the easy stuff becomes the most 'challenging' stuff, mainly because noone has taught us how to stay in the simplicity of what it means to be alive, in the here and now. So that's a mindset we must cultivate, time and again ... until

Sensuality & Shame
July 01, 2023

I am always so intrigued and in love with the expressed sensuality of little ones. To be in the presence of that expression of Innocence, rejoicing in discovery, is a sacred gift. It is a reminder of how simple it could be, how joyous, how immensely preci

Drama & Trauma: How else then, shall I live?
June 16, 2023

Drama means different things to different people. There is the soap-opera drama of messing in everyone's life; then there's the drama of being alive. For those who know WEL-Systems and what above the choice point means, this will make more sense

Authenticity as Boundary: What life looks like when we know ourselves
May 26, 2023

Today I speak with Karina Evangelista, a woman who has been an active participant in the WEL-Systems® experiences for almost 25 years. In her early days through this paradigm, she cured herself of Crohns, a disease the medical model says is incurable. If

Thoughts on the Myth of the Intact Family, Women and Safety
May 24, 2023

This is an excerpt from the Unapologetically Unfuckwithable: Embracing the Crone that I AM yearlong. In it, I share with a client my thoughts around the illusion we keep feeding that the women in our lives should have cared. Maybe they did, maybe they did