Smashing Idols

Smashing Idols

Latest Episodes

Generational Curses
October 06, 2023

In this episode, we explore generational curses, what they are and what they aren’t. We  examine the difference between our modern definition of the term compared to the ancient meaning of the word curse. We look at what popular culture teaches compared t

Big Business of Buying Babies part 3: Unforeseen Consequences
August 21, 2023

The unplanned finale of the Big Business of Buying Babies series.  After receiving many messages from listeners, I decided to explore the darkest sides of the fertility industry. And honestly, this was a very difficult one for me to get through.In this ep

Big Business of Buying Babies Part 1: Infertility and IVF
July 14, 2023

Welcome to part 1 of the Big Business of Buying Babies. In this installment, we explore the current infertility rates in the US, some of the factors that could be contributing to those issues, we look at Big Medicine’s answer to our fertility problems, an

Big Business of Buying Babies Part 2: Surrogacy and Fertility Tourism
July 14, 2023

In Part two of this series, we look at the history of surrogacy, we define what it is, we look at the common uses for this form of conception, we investigate the big money involved in the industry, and why some countries have outlawed commercial surrogacy

Under The Influence: Anatomy of a Cult
July 05, 2023

“Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant (outside the

The Stir
June 24, 2023

In this episode, I give an update of the latest in our moldy home situation, the wild news cycle of this crazy week, and my perspective of the human conditions that have been exposed the past few days. Then it’s time to grab a tissue for a heart-stirring

The Gibbor Myth: Mighty or Tyrant?
May 12, 2023

Gibbor: Hebrew word that means “mighty, strong, valiant, tyrant, powerful, champion” In the past few years, a trend has been gaining momentum in the world of Bible studies. That trend is the exploration of the supernatural content of Scripture. As Western

And The Truth Shall Make You Free
April 26, 2023

The truth shall make you freeBut what is TRUTH? A community I once embraced has gone full cognitive dissonance recently, spreading lies they claim to be the truth, because they want them to be true. The group I thought were the good guys have been slippin

Confessions of a Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
February 09, 2023

** Trigger Warning** I use words in this episode that may be triggering for some people ( ie “crazy”, “psycho”, “sociopath”, “insane”, and “woman”) I also touch on subjects about mental health and abusive relationships. This is my story about how turning

A Letter To The New Believer
January 19, 2023

Welcome to the latest episode. I recorded this one a few weeks ago and contemplated deleting it rather than publishing it. I was coming off of a very emotional weekend after having a disagreement with a loved one compounded by getting absolutely roasted i