Feeling Rational

Feeling Rational

Latest Episodes

Autoread of: So I’ve made this NFT…
July 23, 2021

It's not for sale yet, just wanted to check out minting process, which turned out to be a breeze. I'll attach the ones I made further down the post. Now I'd like to talk about value and ownership. What drives us to collect stuff? What can you own? What do

Autoread of: Silence between the Notes
July 09, 2021

It feels like I’m way too involved and proactive, chasing my own tail so to speak. Afraid to find myself behind the pack, I rush on ahead and straight off a cliff. I run from imaginary predators and towards imaginary goals. The funniest part is, realizing

Autoread of: Changing Directions
June 04, 2021

No one can predict the future, but the curious human mind still wants to know what is to come. The thing is, to know the future or even come close to the knowing, one has to make it. Maybe that's why people tend to establish a routine? Even if your routin

Autoread of: Invisible Gaps
May 03, 2021

Regardless of how ready I may be, there comes the time for action. It  brings along concerns and considerations, but luckily I can always twist  out of making a decision. Inner defense walls are high and  imperceptible... and I am lazy. The

Autoread of: Around the Circle
March 30, 2021

It’s the same for all of us, isn’t it? Long hours spent doing  nothing. Binging seasons of trash shows, playing unending online games…  Feels so good for so long, and then the same inescapable sense of waste  comes back. How much time did I

Autoread of: Manifestation dilettante
March 19, 2021

I have written a few posts about self doubt, hidden motivations, fear avoidance, defense mechanisms... The whole point of getting it out in the open is the realization that many share the same fears and insecurities. It seems healthy to acknowledge them,

Autoread of: Intuition and Balance
March 13, 2021

Thinking is good, right? I mean in general. Although it sometimes leads to overthinking, overall it's good to think and, by extension, to plan. But there is a huge shortcoming, plans are only approximations, wishful thinking, however close to the real thi

Autoread of: Flawed expression
March 06, 2021

Why is it so hard to explain myself? The thoughts in my head seem so  clear and logical, but when I express them, people are rarely able to  see the main idea. They get wrapped up in details, names, dates, places…  Can’t see the forest for