Joy at Work Podcast

Joy at Work Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep. 10 Effective Leadership
October 19, 2021

The term "Effective Leadership" can be interpreted in million different ways. But what does it really take for one to become a real effective leader in the modern workforce?In this episode of Joy at Work Podcast, we interviewed Grace Liu - Director of R

Ep.8 How to Keep Passionate People Motivated?
August 20, 2021

There are a lot of factors that influence one’s decision to leave a job, and one of them is losing the motivation and purpose of their current work. Sadly, a lot of people who lost motivation are those who have the right skill and attitude to contribute t

Ep.7 Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
July 27, 2021

Banyak orang yang masih bingung, apakah itu Fixed Mindset dan Growth Mindset, dan mengapa penting sekali bagi kita untuk punya Growth Mindset dalam bekerja? Kita akan mengulas tuntas mengenai hal ini bersama Psikologis Kara Handali. Let's learn and grow t

Ep.6 Understanding Millenials at Work
June 25, 2021

Millenials is such a unique generation. A lot of people enjoy working with them, but some still find it hard to understand why millenials do things the way they do. In this episode, we will reveal the inside brain of Millenials and share practical things

Ep.5 Karyawan Mandiri vs. Micromanaging Boss
June 16, 2021

Di masa WFH seperti sekarang ini, banyak karyawan yang frustrasi sama atasannya karena terus-terusan di micromanage. Di episode kali ini, kita akan ngobrol-ngrobrol sama Ricky Jeong, Career Consultant Karya Talents, yang akan memberikan tips untuk mengata

Ep.4 Pentingnya Employee Well-being
May 20, 2021

Di dunia kerja jaman sekarang, employee well-being menjadi salah satu faktor utama yang dicari dalam pekerjaan. Pada episode ini, kita akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara perusahaan dapat membentuk kultur kerja yang mendukung employee well-being, dan lan

Ep.3 Hilang Motivasi Kerja - kok bisa?
April 21, 2021

Sesuka-sukanya kamu dengan pekerjaanmu, pada suatu titik pasti pernah kehilangan motivasi dan semangat dalam bekerja. Di episode ini, kita akan bahas hal-hal apa saja sih yang seringkali bikin kita merasa demotivated, dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya secar

Ep.2 Apa yang kamu cari dari pekerjaanmu?
March 24, 2021

Banyak orang merasa stuck dalam pekerjaannya, lalu akhirnya resign dan pindah kerja terus-terusan. Namun apakah betul resign adalah solusi yang paling tepat? apa sih yang sebenarnya kita cari dalam pekerjaan kita?  Di episode kali ini, kita berdiskus

Ep.1 How Managers and Leaders Deal With WFH Stress
March 05, 2021

It's been almost one year since most companies started to apply the Work From Home (WFH) policy to their employees. What seems at first to be a flexible, fun way of working turn out to bring some disruptive impact within organizations.  Employees and