Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo

Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo

52. Middle Grief... Saying Goodbye to 'What Was' and Saying Hello to 'What's Next': Embracing Your Next Chapter with Tammy Faulds

February 27, 2025

"We were taught how to get things in life, but we were never taught how to cope when we lose them." A LOT is changing in midlife. Physical changes in menopause, empty nest syndrome, career shifts, "grey" divorce, changing health and aging, in general. So let's talk about it. How can we cope with these changes in midlife andhow can we embrace our Second Act? Life coach Tammy Faulds (@innertravelcoach) takes us through the lows and the highs of the midlife transition and come out with fresh and new perspectives on the other side.

Episode sponsored by Avène (@Avene on Instagram).

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Find Melissa Grelo on Instagram @MelissaGrelo and @AgingPowerfullyWithMG, or on her website

Producer: Melissa Grelo. 

Audio/Video Producer and Editor: Drew Garner.