Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo

46. Menopause, Aging and the Woman's Brain: What You Need to Know About Your Alzheimer's Risk With Dr. Liisa Galea and Dr. Jenny Rabin
Did you know that two-thirds of people with Alzheimer's are women? Did you know that women over 60 are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than breast cancer? Here's the thing: Most of the diseases causing dementia starting developing in the brain 20 years before clinical symptoms show, which for many women, is around the time of menopause, begging the question, what role does menopause play in our brain health? The good news is that almost half of Alzheimer's cases can be prevented with lifestyle changes. During this Alzheimer's Awareness Month, two of the foremost Canadian brain researchers, Dr. Liisa Galea (@liisagalea) and Dr. Jenny Rabin (@drjennyrabin), join me to discuss this disease that impacts over 600,000 Canadians today and will impact three times that in the next several decades - most of them, in women.
Find Melissa Grelo on Instagram @MelissaGrelo and @AgingPowerfullyWithMG, or on her website Find clips of the show on YouTube @MelissaGrelo.
Producer: Melissa Grelo.
Audio/Video Producer and Editor: Drew Garner.