Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo

Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo

3. Dr. Jen Gunter, on her new book, "Blood: The Science, Medicine and Mythology of Menstruation"

January 25, 2024

The internet's favourite myth-busting OB/GYN, Dr. Jen Gunter, is back with her latest book, "Blood: The Science, Medicine and Mythology of Menstruation."

After her books, "The Vagina Bible" and "The Menopause Manifesto" both became New York Times Instant Bestsellers, Dr. Gunter in "Blood" offers a clear, no-nonsense guide to reproductive anatomy and answers all the questions you never knew you had about menstrual bleeding. Along the way, she debunks long-held myths that, surprise, are almost always rooted in historical and enduring misogyny. 

In this episode, Melissa and Dr. Gunter discuss a range of topics from why women menstruate, to menstrual products, to contraception, to menopause and the disinformation that surrounds all aspects of the menstrual cycle. Dr. Gunter provides a no-holds-barred take on predatory practices in health care and takes on the so-called 'menstrual influencers' that have proliferated social media. 

It's an important episode for all those who menstruate and, as Dr. Gunter says, for all those who have benefited from the menstrual cycle. 

Find Dr. Jen Gunter on her website or on Instagram @DrJenGunter.

Find Melissa Grelo on Instagram @MelissaGrelo and @AgingPowerfullyWithMG, or on her website Find clips of the show on YouTube @MelissaGrelo

Producer: Melissa Grelo. 

Technical Producer and Editor: Drew Garner.