Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo
1. MENOPAUSE 101 With Dr. Heather Hirsch
In the inaugural episode of Aging Powerfully, Melissa has a conversation with Heather Hirsch, MD about the ABCs and 123s of menopause. Dr. Hirsch provides the ins and outs of the different stages of the menopause transition, from perimenopause, to menopause, to postmenopause. Dr. Hirsch provides simple definitions and explanations of what is happening in each phase, and also discusses the increased risk for certain diseases and injuries that accompany this significant hormonal change. Finally, she touches upon lifestyle and medical interventions that can ease symptoms and improve quality of life during this time that can occupy up to one-third of a woman's lifespan.
Find Dr. Heather Hirsch on her website or on Instagram @HeatherHirschMD.
Find Melissa Grelo on Instagram @MelissaGrelo and @AgingPowerfullyWithMG, or on her website Find clips of the show on YouTube @MelissaGrelo.
Producer: Melissa Grelo.
Technical Producer and Editor: Drew Garner.