
#13: Reduce Stress with Mindfulness - Cheryl Jones
Episode Notes (up to 4000 words for SEO)
Do you want to manage stress and build your resilience?
Are you wondering what mindfulness really is and how it can help you?
If you have questions about the many benefits you may gain from practicing mindfulness, this episode is for you. Stress reduction in just the beginning!
In this episode, Cheryl Jones introduces what mindfulness truly is and debunks some of the common myths and misunderstandings about this popular wellness term.
Cheryl has been extensively trained in the world-renowned Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program which is backed by years of research.
You'll be introduced to the ways in which mindfulness is different from other forms of meditation. You will feel more empowered to start and maintain a simple mindfulness meditation practice.
Get ready for an invigorating exploration created to help you uncover more of who you already are and what you need to thrive forward.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
· What mindfulness is and isn’t and how to gain its benefits right now
· Why reducing stress is the first step to improving your overall health
· How to get started with a 5-minute practice and build upon this
(00:00) Intro
(01:00) How I discovered mindfulness
(03:11) Defining mindfulness
(03:42) How mindfulness can help us to age well
(05:07) Our attention is our best internal resource
(05:40) I never thought I could be a meditator
(06:40) Exploring different forms of meditation
(07:57) Objects of our attention we lovingly tend to
(08:13) Simple awareness of breathing is the beginning
(09:39) You do not need to sit cross legged on the floor
(10:42) The goal of mindfulness practice isn’t to achieve relaxation
(11:02) Taking on a non-striving attitude
(12:20) Attitudes of mindfulness
(13:13) Areas of the brain that improve through mindfulness meditation
(15:40) Getting in touch with stressors and how we cope
(16:13) Why mindfulness meditation is central to my wellness model
(16:42) Three guided audio mindfulness meditations for you
(17:14) The ideal length of time to practice mindfulness meditation
(18:01) Where to obtain specific research about mindfulness
There is no AI generated content in this podcast. This has been created by subject matter expert Cheryl Jones.
Produced by Creative Audio Music
Music courtesy of APM Music
Intro and outro voiceover by Liz Solar
Recording studio provided by Ultrasound Productions
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