
#9: Listen, Champion, and Uplift Others - Cheryl Jones
Have you ever been in a conversation and found yourself thinking about something else while the other person was talking?
Do you want to feel more ease and connection in your relationships?
If you have questions about how to develop your listening skills to create healthier interactions, this episode is for you.
In this episode, Cheryl Jones explores what it means to really listen in conversations to strengthen connection and to champion others.
Social isolation and loneliness are health risks linked to a variety of diseases and disorders. One of the best ways to improve social wellness is to develop our listening skills.
Cheryl provides you with 10 listening phrases which you can implement immediately to build self-confidence and create more meaningful conversations.
Get ready for an invigorating exploration created to help you uncover more of who you already are and what you need to thrive forward.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
· What it means to be present, to truly listen, and to hold space for others
· Why listening skills matter and how to overcome old patterns of communication
· How to uplift ourselves and others, and attract more positivity into our lives
(00:00) Intro
(00:57) Boost social wellness to overcome loneliness
(01:26) How we live in our sixties determines how we will live in our eighties
(02:18) We can be one place in our bodies and another place in our minds
(02:44) Noticing when we aren’t listening without self-judgment
(03:55) Why we commonly interrupt and give advice
(04:39) Holding an empowering perspective of others
(05:13) Creating a judgment-free, safe space for meaningful conversation
(05:30) Try these10 phrases to help others feel seen and heard
(09:00) Note how people respond to what you are saying
(09:33) Deepening connection doesn’t mean you ‘air your dirty laundry’ or bare your soul
(09:55) When we champion others we grow ourselves
(10:16) Accepting and embracing our dark side
(11:04) What we gain by finding happiness in the happiness of others
There is no AI generated content in this podcast. This has been created by subject matter expert Cheryl Jones.
Produced by Creative Audio Music
Music courtesy of APM Music
Intro and outro voiceover by Liz Solar
Recording studio provided by Ultrasound Productions
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