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People Who Walked In On Their SO Cheating, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)
People Who Walked In On Their SO Cheating, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)
Here are some common themes and scenarios from stories shared by people on r/AskReddit who walked in on their significant other (SO) cheating:1. Unexpected Early Arrivals
- Many people walked in on their partner after coming home earlier than expected from work, trips, or events.
- Example: Someone returned early from a business trip to surprise their partner, only to find them in bed with someone else. They immediately ended the relationship and left the house.
2. Caught in the Act
- Some discovered the infidelity during intimate moments.
- Example: One Redditor recalled walking into their bedroom to find their SO with a close friend. The betrayal felt doubly painful because of the friend’s involvement.
3. Technology Leads to Discovery
- A few walked in after seeing suspicious texts, notifications, or tracking apps, prompting them to investigate further.
- Example: A person noticed their partner’s location on a shared app was at a hotel. They went there and caught them in the act.
4. Excuses and Denial
- Many cheaters tried to lie or make up absurd excuses when caught.
- Example: Someone caught their SO in bed with another person, and the SO claimed they were "just talking."
5. Immediate Confrontation
- Most stories involve confronting the cheating partner on the spot. Some remained calm, while others described explosive arguments.
- Example: One Redditor described flipping out and throwing their partner’s belongings out of the house after catching them.
6. Silent Exits
- A few chose to walk away quietly rather than cause a scene.
- Example: A Redditor shared how they saw their partner cheating, packed their things, and left without saying a word.
7. Public Places
- Some caught their SO cheating in public, like bars, cars, or parties.
- Example: One user walked into a house party and found their partner making out with someone else on the couch.
8. Heartbreaking Details
- Stories often include emotional details about the aftermath, like feeling betrayed, losing trust, and dealing with heartbreak.
- Example: Someone caught their spouse cheating in their marital home and described the pain of realizing they had been deceived in a place they felt safe.
9. Relationship Fallout
- Most people ended the relationship immediately, but some stayed and tried to work things out, often leading to further heartbreak.
- Example: A Redditor stayed for months, hoping their partner would change, but eventually ended the toxic relationship.
10. Unintentional Witnesses
- Some described situations where others, like friends or family members, witnessed the infidelity.
- Example: One Redditor’s child accidentally walked in on their parent cheating, leading to a family breakdown.
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