The Grant Wise Show

The Grant Wise Show

Using Life Audits to Build an Intentional Life with Ali Everett

April 30, 2024


Welcome to another episode of The Grant Wise Show, where today’s guest, Ali Everett, joins us to share her transformative approach to living a purpose-driven life. Ali, the creator of the “My Empire” accountability planner and a respected coach for female entrepreneurs, dives deep into the concept of the life audit, a method that involves evaluating oneself across seven critical aspects of life: strength, skill development, income activities, contribution, family, friendships, and maintenance.


Throughout the episode, Ali breaks down how this audit helps individuals rate their current status, set emotional and professional growth goals, and ultimately, live more intentionally. She also discusses the powerful role of affirmations in overcoming limiting beliefs and the significance of asking pointed questions that focus on others’ needs, enhancing our own lives.


Grant shares his journey of finding purpose through faith, family, and community service, aligning seamlessly with Ali’s message that contribution and intentional living not only fulfill our lives but also enable us to serve others effectively.


Whether you’re looking to streamline your decision-making, enhance your personal or professional life, or simply gain insights into living with greater intention, this episode packs invaluable lessons. Sit back, tune in, and let Ali Everett inspire you to examine your life, craft a vision for your future, and step into your full potential.


Ali Everett’s journey into the real estate industry was both unexpected and transformative. Initially having no intention of entering the field, a critical family situation pushed Ali to rapidly adjust her career path. With resilience and urgency, she left her job position, got her real estate license, and took control of a significant book of business previously managed by her husband.


Her transition into real estate was propelled by a pressing need to prioritize family health concerns over career ambitions. Shortly after taking on these new responsibilities, Ali faced her next colossal challenge when she had to undergo brain surgery.


Ali’s story is a reminder of the unpredictability of life and the power of dedication to family. Through adversity, she’s built a great real estate business and reinforced the incredible bond with her family, embracing the reality that some of life’s most significant crises can lead to its most rewarding chapters.






The post Using Life Audits to Build an Intentional Life with Ali Everett first appeared on Grant Wise.
