The Syllabus

The Syllabus

Latest Episodes

Brandy Shufutinsky
December 21, 2023

Brandy Shufutinsky, of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values, discusses her concerns about the model ethnic studies curriculum and unpacks ideological tensions in ethnic studies pedagogy.

Laura Roberts, Vacaville Unified School District
December 14, 2023

In this episode of The Syllabus, high school teacher Laura Roberts discusses why ethnic studies should be required—even if that means cutting AP classes, phys ed., or health to accommodate the new class.

Adam Lehman, CEO of Hillel International
December 07, 2023

“I think at Hillel, we've hosted more Palestinian speakers than any organization on any campus, including [from] Palestinian rights organizations...”. In this episode of the The Syllabus, Hillel International’s CEO discusses freedom of speech on campus, a

Robert Vitalis, University of Pennsylvania
November 30, 2023

“I hope to get out of here in May,” says Penn’s Robert Vitalis, “because I don't believe I can teach my subject anymore.” In this episode of The Syllabus, a veteran professor talks about being squeezed from the left and the right.

David French, NYT Columnist
November 16, 2023

Liberty University and the Moral Collapse of Christian Higher Ed, with David French.

Evan Morris, Yale Professor
November 09, 2023

Should university presidents take stances on moral and political issues?

Raphi Gold
November 01, 2023

This Princeton sophomore follows the war on Israel — without having social media or a smartphone.

Conor Friedersdorf, Writer for The Atlantic
October 26, 2023

A discussion of college campus politics in the wake of the 2023 Israel Hamas conflict