Civic minds

Civic minds

Latest Episodes

Local governments
March 28, 2021

We go into detail about how local governments are governed and how people can sway you into believing something

Federal and state powers
March 15, 2021

A summary of federal and state powers doing a big summary and a little close-up

Laws and the Supreme Court
March 05, 2021

Today will be talking about common things like laws and crimes as well as going a bit more into detail about the supreme court

Black History Month
February 21, 2021

Me and my friend Zoe talk about Black History Month

Senate and House of representatives committees
February 13, 2021

Today will be talking about the House of Representatives and the Senate committees and how they can make a laws

Thomas soul
February 05, 2021

Today we will be talking about Thomas soul also I’m sorry I cut off the beginning of my podcast LOL

The 10 amendments
February 05, 2021

I’ll be going into detail on each of the 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights

Branches of government
January 19, 2021

we will going into detail about the three branches of government

Guest star Brooklyn
January 15, 2021

Talking about trump a little more on the capital and filtering and riots and protests

US citizenship and sedition
January 10, 2021

Today we are going to have my friend Phibi come and ask us questions about civics