Devotion Times with Angell & Judy

Devotion Times with Angell & Judy

Latest Episodes

DT on Ephesians 6
June 09, 2021

Children and fathers, slaves and masters, spiritual warfare are all addressed in Ephesians 6!

DT on Ephesians 5
June 08, 2021

Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we are called to live a life of love.  What does that look like in the specific context of our relationships?  Ephesians tells us how we ought to treat one another, including how husbands and wives

Ephesians 4
June 08, 2021

Paul talking about the unity of Christ and what it takes to maintain that unity. 

DT on Ephesians 3
June 06, 2021

The mystery that was not revealed for ages is finally revealed clearly by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3.  What the gospel makes possible in Christ, this mystery of the church - this is pretty amazing!

Ephesians 2
June 02, 2021

By grace we have been saved through faith. Not by our works but it is the gift of God!

DT on Ephesians 1
June 02, 2021

We are so blessed in Christ!  Apostle Paul lists these spiritual blessings that all belivers have in Christ.  How aware are we of these blessings in our daily lives?  Ephesians 1 encourages me to give thanks in all circumstances, as it was

DT on Galatians 5
May 30, 2021

Christ has set us free to live by the Spirit, not under the Law, but what does a life of freedom look like?

DT on Galatians 4
May 26, 2021

To be an heir of God is an awesome reality, but it doesn't always feel that way.  Because we're immature, need to grow spiritually, a process called sanctification, it may sometimes feel like we're a slave, being told what to do all the time.  B

Galatians 3
May 26, 2021

Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law and so we're no longer under the law but sons of God through faith. 

Malachi 1 DT
May 11, 2021

Malachi is God's call for His people to return to covenantal faithfulness with Him.