Weep for Souls Ministries

Weep for Souls Ministries

Latest Episodes

Activating the Word
July 03, 2021

What are you releasing with your words? As the people of God, we have the authority to speak to our circumstances and expect to see miracles.

January 26, 2021

You can choose to believe that God’s glory is over in your life and that you best days are behind you, or you can believe that God is not done with you yet and that great things are still ahead of you! Ichabod is no Match for Immanuel.

Dead To Me
January 25, 2021

Going beyond surrender to dying to self is God's will for me and you. But what does it mean to truly die to self? Go beyond surrender.

What It Means To Rest In God
January 25, 2021

As believers, in order to walk in victory and obtain our inheritance, we must learn how Grace, faith, confidence and patience work together. Listen and take a rest.

Our Declaration
January 25, 2021

What are your words putting into motion in your life? If you're going to obtain your God-given inheritance, what you are speaking may have to change.

January 22, 2021

Many times we lose our harvest due to focusing on negatives. Even apprehending God's promises involves conflict, but we don't have to give into the conflict. When we do, we run the risk of sabotaging our promised harvest or inheritance. Learn how to trust

Since the Resurrection
January 22, 2021

Jesus is not just interested or invested in your spiritual needs, but just as much in your physical needs. He is the God of the physical just as much as the spiritual and can meet all your needs. There are no limits to God's power in your life.

January 22, 2021

God has placed in all of us unique traits and gifts in order to be successful and victorious in this life. Learn how to instinctively be led of the Spirit of God.

January 22, 2021

Discover what the true meaning of walking in the blessing means.

Cry Wolf
June 18, 2017

When we stray from God, rest assured, wolves are always letting near by.