Discover Your Power

Discover Your Power

Latest Episodes

Healing is a much bigger conversation than we think
September 26, 2023

We are beings that have multiple bodies, even if most of them are invisible and so we think they can't be hurt. But it's the harm done to our invisible bodies that impacts our life the most, and is the starting point of our aches and pains in late

A novel way of looking at forgiveness
August 09, 2022

Living in a state of forgiveness for everything, whether it seems to be good or bad, is not something we often, or willingly practice because holding onto what seems good is a natural way to be. But it does not allow space for something better to flow in

Unforgiveness can be at the root of financial lack
June 14, 2022

We think we are so independent, we are managing our lives, we are accomplishing our goals, without realizing that we are totally dependent on others for even the food we eat, the houses we live in, the electricity that powers our appliances, and the Inter

Focus your attention
May 31, 2022

Where we place our attention is critical to what we experience in our lives, and we are the only ones who can choose where to put our attention. However much we want to blame others, or want to make others responsible for what is happening to us, at the d

Unsuspected blocks to moving forward
January 11, 2022

We all have things to forgive, but often it's difficult to do and sometimes, we actually resist even the idea of it.  We also need to be forgiven for things, and unless we forgive, we can't be forgiven. When we realize that most of our reasons for no

Holding the feeling of your desire fulfilled is critical
December 28, 2021

Our feelings are much more powerful than our words when it comes to fulfilling our desires; and we must also bear in mind that what we say doesn't always match the feelings in our body.  This is why so often, mantras that we say over and over again d

Changing our consciousness changes everything
December 14, 2021

Having freedom is what most people are looking for, being free to do what they want, when they want, and there is seemingly always something that robs them of that freedom.  But the truth is, nobody and nothing outside of you can take away your freed

Manifesting our desires
November 30, 2021

Wanting to manifest our desires is a wonderful thing, but we don't always achieve it, for a variety of reasons. One of them is that we don't really know how to communicate with the Universe, which is so set up as to bring us more of the vibration we're li

What is Ascension and how to deal with its energies
November 16, 2021

The word Ascension is now part of almost every conversation, and since we live in duality, we placed it on a spectrum from "bad to good", responsible for the various upsetting symptoms we experience, for the violence unleashed by groups of individuals ris

Challenges are blessings in disguise
November 02, 2021

Challenges and problems in life exist for one reason only; to make us aware that somewhere, in some way, we are not in alignment with what our soul is, and wants us to be. The deeper reason for pain, sadness, frustration and fear is that it's a wake-up ca