Human-centric AI Talks

Human-centric AI Talks

Latest Episodes

8. Rompiendo el sesgo de género en el sector tecnológico
March 23, 2022

La situación de la mujer en el ámbito tecnológico está lejos de ser igualitaria: los hombres siguen siendo más en número y también son mayoría a la hora de ocupar los puestos más importantes.

7. Global Research on AI Ethics: hot topics and concerns worldwide
February 09, 2022

Technology is one of the central axes of our society and Artificial Intelligence has a key role to play: chatbots, applications that use biometric recognition, Social Media filters... It is clear that it is necessary to assess the ethical limits of the ap

6. Cómo implicar a toda la organizacion en una aproximacion ética a la tecnologia
October 25, 2021

In today’s digital world where consumers are more reluctant to give away their personal information, how do companies gain the trust of their clients and ask for sensitive data? In our fifth episode of Human centric AI Talks, our guest Rubén Gallard

5. OdiseIA, un Observatorio de IA Ética
October 18, 2021

How can experts create human-centered artificial intelligence with an incorporated ethical component? This is a question that OdiseIA, an observatory of the social and ethical impact of AI, co-founded by our guest Idoia Salazar, aims to answer in the near

4. Computational Ethics: How to implement ethical decision making on machines
October 07, 2021

In this episode of our podcast series: ethics in AI, we discuss how we can move towards training machine intelligence to make decisions that are informed by human, or human-style ethical insights. Our guest is Edmond Awad, lecturer at the Institute for Da

3. El impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en la sociedad
October 05, 2021

¿Por qué la Inteligencia Artificial tiene que ser ética? En nuestro tercer programa nos adentramos de lleno en esta cuestión, en la que abordamos desde varias ópticas todos los elementos necesarios para una implementación óptima de procesos que sitúen a l

2. La IA Ética en un marco de competitividad global
September 21, 2021

La Inteligencia Artificial está creciendo exponencialmente como herramienta empresarial, y frente a esta realidad, en abril de 2021 la Comisión Europea publicó sus propuestas de regulación de la IA, conocidas como "The AI Act". En este podcast exploramos

1. Breaking down the insights of the New AI Regulation
August 20, 2021

Artificial Intelligence has taken an exponential growth in the world. For that reason, the European Parliament and the European Commision, published this last April, the proposal for the New EU AI Regulation, also referred as the AI Act, which harmonises