Poetry, Passion, & Pleasure With Dale Biron

Poetry, Passion, & Pleasure With Dale Biron

Latest Episodes

Being A Little More Human
October 20, 2023

So here is the thing about being human. We are story-based animals. We become ourselves through stories. It’s the narrative pickle juice in which we marinate. We might not have direct effect on the juice of our big old social pickling project. But we can

Faith... (Not The Supernatural Kind)
October 13, 2023

Let's talk about about a different kind of faith. The faith needed for the challenges and predicaments ahead, both personal and collective. A faith not requiring supernatural beliefs. Let's also talk about a kindred type of grounded hope as well

Being Irreverent, Humble, & Unpretentious
October 06, 2023

An amazing poet, who through her art, provides a master class on the traits we need to skillfully face the predicaments and challenges of our wild and fierce modern lives. And one more trait I'll add to the list for Wislawa Szymborską... stunningly w

Light Switch – Guided Poetry Meditation For All
September 29, 2023

OK, just get comfortable wherever you’re seated. It will help if your back is straight. If you can and it’s comfortable, close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths to center yourself. Allow your body and mind to relax, releasing as best you ca

You Will Never Be Alone...
September 22, 2023

You will never be alone, you hear so deep / a sound when autumn comes... (One of the most uplifting poems ever.)

The Unfathomable Simplicity of Poetry
September 15, 2023

How can a poem be both simple and unfathomable at the same time? Truth is, really good poems lift off the page, taking us to those new frontier places in ourselves. Places where words and language perform a kind of magic.

Being A Real Person In The Anthropocene
September 08, 2023

Our current economy is at war with the earth. Here's a story and vision, disguised as a poem to help us stay real, centered, and effective in these opportunity-laden, tragic, and yes, beautiful times. An era when our human agency is deeply required.

Please Don't Sabotage Your Relationships
September 01, 2023

ENJOY THIS QUICK POETIC TAKE... Here's a poem describing the greatest challenge most of us will ever face in our closest relationships. Using simple images and delicious metaphors, this poem is hard to forget and cuts right to the heart of the matter

Honoring Our Beloved Critter Companions
August 25, 2023

If you have ever shared your home and life with a critter you loved, this episode is for you. What words might we choose to honor the animal beings that have given us so much happiness and joy? And, of course, grief at their passing. The cat, dog, horse,

Art As A Sacred Subversion
August 18, 2023

What if an established norm in society, a hidebound institution, a way of thinking, or a whole economic system is simply wrong? (For example, the vastly ineffective way we are dealing with our climate and earth overshoot predicament.) Can Art (and poetry