Audible Silence

Audible Silence

Latest Episodes

Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
July 12, 2023

Annabel Lee” is a poem that tells a story of two young lovers (the narrator and Annabel Lee) whose love was cut short by the death of Annabel Lee. The poem highlights that not even death could separate the couple, for their souls are intertwined and their

Spell the Word with Me
February 27, 2023

Spelling Quiz 1

The Zahir Quote #1
January 22, 2023

This goes to everyone tored of their journey.

Broadcasting Ethics
June 22, 2022

Learn more about the ethics of broadcasting and answer whether there really is 'bad journalism.'

Fires by Ullie Kaye
February 10, 2022

Maybe there lives a phoenix in each one of us. And maybe the fire that seems to consume us, is the same fire that's meant to bring rebirth among us.

An Ode to Fearless Women by Nikita Gill
February 08, 2022

In a society that has placed women in boxes, bold and fearless are those who try to break free and define women as they ought to be.

Metamorphosis by Lang Leav
February 07, 2022

There comes a point in our life when we meet a single soul who can change everything we once knew about the world.

Who To Please (Psalms 26:1-2)
January 31, 2022

It is tiring to please everyone. In fact we often lose our true selves in the process and still end up not being able to please everybody. If so, stop. Instead, please the only One whose judgment actually matters.

SPJ 10 Intro Episode
November 05, 2021

This is an introduction to the subject TV Briadcasting under the Special Program in Journalism.

Run in Circles or End the Cycle
May 20, 2021

This is a welcome back and a trigger podcast.