Revitalizing the Declining Church with Dr. Desmond Barrett

Revitalizing the Declining Church with Dr. Desmond Barrett

Latest Episodes

Ep. 100 Developing Guests Into Future Leaders
October 17, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Examining the strengths and weaknesses 2. Providing fresh insight 3. The next best step

Ep. 99 Flourishing with a Small Church Mindset
October 11, 2023

Revitalization rewards found in this episode: 1. Small Groups as Big Groups 2. Enhanced relationships through fellowship 3. People over Programs Weible, M. (2019). Fishing On The Other Side: A Guide To Being The Church In The Digital Age. Renovate Publi

Ep. 98 Embracing An Aging Congregation
October 03, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Rebound by recommitting 2. Rebound by reconnecting

Ep. 97 Building A Compassionate Community
September 27, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. How can the church serve locally? 2. What resources can the church leverage to help the community?

Ep. 96 Be Jesus in the Face of Trouble
September 19, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Do ministry that matters 2. Invest resources where it can help 3. Change the spiritual scorecard

Ep. 95 Becoming A House of Prayer
September 12, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Gather to pray. 2. Prayer meetings change things. 3. Celebrate what happens through prayer.

Ep. 94 Preparing to Go Share Jesus
September 04, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Prepare your own heart. 2. Partner with God to see what He sees. 3. Participate in long term discipleship making.

Ep. 93 Won't You Be My Neighbor
August 31, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Be intentional about your responsiveness. 2. Focus on interactions not on distractions. 3. Build interpersonal relationships with others outside of church.

Ep. 92 Growing Relationships Rather Than Numbers
August 23, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Focus on the person not the number they represent. 2. See the value in the person's abilities rather than the church's needs. 3. Be a difference maker in their life.

Ep. 91 Overcoming the Small Church Mindset
August 15, 2023

Revitalization Rewards found in this episode: 1. Small does not mean ineffective. 2. Small does not mean culturally irrelevant. 3. Small does not mean less than.