His Word My Walk - A real relationship with God, the Bible, and practical steps to implement your fa

His Word My Walk - A real relationship with God, the Bible, and practical steps to implement your fa

Latest Episodes

How to Walk in Freedom WITH GOD [Ep.117]
June 26, 2024

This message is for YOU! Whether you're just curious about Jesus Christ, or you've been saved for 50+ years; this message is for you.In this teaching I'm sharing how to truly walk in freedom with God, the truths to know about freedom, the action to take,

Bible Study With Me in a Fresh Way: Matthew 1 [Ep.116]
May 21, 2024

Let's GET CONSISTENT in reading the Bible! But not only that, let's enjoy it, have fun, ask questions, dig in, and actually. apply the truth of the Bible to our lives today!Join me on YOUTUBE as I read through the Book of Matthew WITH YOU, one chapter per

4 Simple Shifts That Helped Me Read the Bible More Consistently [Ep.115]
May 07, 2024

It's the NUMBER 1 question I get asked: Kaela, how are you so consistent with reading the Bible?In 2017 I committed to reading the Bible daily. And when I say "committed" I meant it for real that time. I made some very simple shifts in my mind and in my l

How to experience God and then return to 'regular life' [Ep.114]
April 30, 2024

We love a good "retreat", right? We love a getaway, especially one with a group of women (or men) centered around experiencing God!This past weekend I spoke at a women's retreat and I wanted to share the message here with you. In this episode I'm not only

How to put on and keep on the shoes of peace in your life [Ep.113]
April 23, 2024

It's time for a peace check! Are you walking in peace, in every area of your life, or are there those circumstances, those situation, those people, who make it feel more like you're walking in flip flops of peace instead of double-knotted shoes of peace.I

What's more important? My words or my actions? [Ep.112]
April 16, 2024

We know what the Bible says, but do we really know what the Bible says? We quote scripture like, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue," and "Faith without works is dead," but do we really know what they mean?Through this conversation, I'm lettin

What if it doesn't work out? What if I lose? [Ep.111]
April 09, 2024

Do you know that our plans aren't always God's plans? AND, do you know that here on earth we will have to deal with defeat?Whether in your relationship, your career, or a sports game; you're going to experience defeat. And how do you handle that? What doe

God, do a new thing, please [Ep.110]
March 19, 2024

Do you feel like you need God to do a new thing in your life? In your job, your finances, your relationship, your… your attitude? Well, stay with me. I pray right now that your heart is ready to receive and your mind is able to understand, and that your e

God, what's the plan? What's Your plan for me? [PART 2] [Ep.109]
March 12, 2024

Let's continue... PART 2 - Do you ever feel like you’re just stuck in limbo? Like, God what is your plan? I’m trying to trust You but it’s really hard right now. When will your plan come to pass? When will I know? How do I know? Ooo y’all I got you! This

God, what's the plan? What's Your plan for me? [Ep.108]
March 05, 2024

Do you ever feel like you’re just stuck in limbo? Like, God what is your plan? I’m trying to trust You but it’s really hard right now. When will your plan come to pass? When will I know? How do I know? Ooo y’all I got you! This is a doozy - you may want y