The Hypothesis

The Hypothesis

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How can Twitter win in the longform content? By killing its darling!
August 23, 2021

Hi there,I assure you that there is no violence in this post. At least not the type its title suggest.On Thursday, August 19, Revue, a newsletter service owned by Twitter, announced it is testing a feature that allows people to subscribe to a Revue newsle

Amazon marketplace, commoditizing the complement and road to persistent differential returns
August 19, 2021

Hey,Welcome to a new edition of The Hypothesis. Today, I present a different take on how Amazon built a moat using third-party or 3P sellers business and pocketed the lion's share from the value created. You can also listen to the full article if you want

Network effects, single-player mode and the hook.
August 16, 2021

Network effects is the property of a network where the value a user gets from a network increases with every new user added to the network, making the network more valuable to everyone with every new user addition.It has been put to great use by companies

Power of scale economies, creator economy myopia, velvet ropes and Clubhouse. A Lesson in Strategy
August 13, 2021

Transcript of the EpisodeThis strategy bytecast is brought to you by The Hypothesis - Exploring the deep end of timeless ideas in strategy.The biggest moat for content companies over their competitors is scale economies make large investment in production

How can your brand get the moat of soft power
August 12, 2021

Hi there,This is the audio version of the essay - How can your brand get the moat of soft power. If you prefer the text version, you can check it out here