Podcast Tips with Rob Greenlee (Audio)

Podcast Tips with Rob Greenlee (Audio)

Creating Compelling Video Podcast Shows with Jamie Maglietta-Ep2

October 26, 2023

Episode 2 will discuss Creating Compelling Video Podcast Content with Jamie Maglietta of (ON CAM) Ready and Former CNN Producer – Podcast Tips with Rob Greenlee.

Jamie Maglietta is a TV news veteran. She’s produced live programs across CNN and worked in production at FOX News Channel. Jamie is the new YouTube First video podcast (ON CAM) Ready producer and host. She also co-created The Media Mix and worked on CNN’s Reliable Sources Podcast. Jamie works with clients to help develop podcast ideas. She also works as a content creator while building a career in Unscripted production management.

Find her on Instagram @jamie_theproducer and @oncamready

Visit her website at oncamready.com

Interested in connecting with her? Email: Jamie at oncamready.com