

Bonus Track - 4 Basic Behaviors of a Leader

February 06, 2024

Unleashed Podcast | Bonus Track – 4 Basic Behaviors of a Leader

Often we tend to want to tame the tension we encounter in our lives and our organizations in order to keep the peace. Tension is a ripe opportunity for growth that should be welcomed in order to move forward. In this new series, we talk about what that could look like in your life as you lead yourself and others.

In this bonus episode, we hear more from HR professional, Ellyn Chaney, on leadership behavioral competencies and how they affect an organization.

Why is this Important?

Leaders can never lose sight that they influence, inspire, and foster a team to move forward.

Behavioral Competencies:



Social Awareness

Relational Awareness

The Unleashed Podcast is a podcast created by Be Hope Church. Check us out at https://behope.church.


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