

Episode 2 | Live With Mission

November 08, 2023
A life mission statement is our anchor when life gets choppy and we tend to drift.  It allows us to be more strategic about the time we have at work, home, our calendars, and the people in front of us.

Key Points:
  • A mission statement is a declaration of why you exist and the impact you seek to make. 
  • Purpose is the general aim. Calling is a specific gifting.

  • Calling is how your unique gifting solves the world’s pain and makes it a better place.

How to craft a mission statement:
  1. Discover your gifting.
  2. Define the why (not the what).
  3. Connect your gifting to the problem.
  4. Keep coming back to the mission.

Resources to help you find your gifting:

Leading From Your Strengths

Working Genius

PLACE Online Assessment

Your Enneagram Coach

High 5 Test

Strengths Profile

VIA Character Strengths

Sign up for Hope Unleashed to walk through our Spiritual Assessment: https://behope.church/hopeunleashed/

The Unleashed Podcast is a podcast created by Be Hope Church. Check us out at https://behope.church.

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