The Divested Diary

The Divested Diary

Radicalized Dating: Trad Wives And Delusional Gold Diggers.

March 01, 2024

In this episode, Sharika Soal discusses how modern dating has been radicalized. She advocates for dating within political affiliations, sharing her own experience rejecting an ex-boyfriend due to his liberal views on white supremacy and racism. Sharika reflects on how politics has affected her dating life, focusing on the radicalization of dating and demands for financial stability.

The episode also addresses the reality that radicalized gender roles and expectations in the "Trad wife" community. It should be argued that financial and work-life constraints are radicalizing dating and relationships in 2024, which could be why there is a surge in "Gold digger content" online.

Ultimately, it is easy to conclude that genuine relationships take time to build, and only time can control their outcome. It's time we advocate for a more realistic approach to dating, prioritizing self-awareness and taking things slow.

Connect with Sharika:

Twitter: @SharikaSoal84

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