Real Living

Real Living

The Time We Are Given Part Two

October 24, 2023

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  • Hosts: Lavinia Spirito and Mary Lou Nemecek
  • Discussion on an article from the March 2022 edition of Renewal Ministries written by Peter Herbek.
  • Focus on the inspiration from Frodo's journey in "The Lord of the Rings."
  • The importance of stepping up to fight evil with the help of the Lord.

Main Points:

1. God's Divine Plan:

  • Acknowledging that we cannot choose when we are born but can decide what to do with the time given to us.

2. Secret Superpowers:

  • Highlighting the idea that ordinary people can exhibit extraordinary qualities through unselfishness, love, and virtuous living.

3. Trusting God's Providence:

  • Encouragement to avoid carrying the burdens of the world and instead trust that God is ultimately in control.

4. Difficult Times in History:

  • Comparing current challenges with more severe historical events like Viking raids and foreign occupations.

5. Prophetic Warnings:

  • Discussing Prophetic words from Ralph Martin and Father Mike Scanlon in the '70s and '80s and the Catechism 672 about living in the last hour.

6. Universal Call to Evangelize:

  • Highlighting the role of the laity in penetrating, perfecting, sanctifying, and evangelizing the temporal order.

7. Recent Conversions:

  • Mentioning the growing number of conversions, particularly among Muslims, Jews, and Anglicans, as a sign of an unprecedented era of evangelism.

8. Facing Adversity:

  • Recognizing the need to face challenges and adversities with faith and resilience, rather than taking offense or living in fear.

9. The Role of Christians:

  • Emphasizing the importance of being faithful, enduring challenges, and living as witnesses with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

10.Sound Doctrine and Truth:

  • Discussing the prevalence of people seeking teachings that cater to their desires and emotions, emphasizing the importance of holding onto truth.


  • Encouragement to remember who we are, stay rooted in the Lord, and fulfill our roles without fear.
  • A call to pray for wisdom, knowledge, and prudence in navigating these challenging times.
