Real Living

Real Living

Asbury Awakening Part Two

June 06, 2023


·      Welcome message from Lavinia Spirita and Marilyn Nemechek.

·      Discussion on the ongoing spiritual awakening at Asbury University.

Discussion Points:

1.   Awakening vs. Revival:

·      Debate on whether the spiritual movement is an awakening or a revival.

·      Emphasis on the significance of the Holy Spirit's work regardless of the terminology.

·      Reference to historical revivals at Asbury University.

2.   Historical Revivals at Asbury:

·      Sharing historical instances of spiritual revivals at Asbury University dating back to 1905.

·      Highlighting the impactful outcomes of past revivals and the effect on the community.

3.   Consolation and the Work of the Holy Spirit:

·      Exploring the concept of consolation and its role in spiritual experiences.

·      The transformative power of experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit.

4.   Current Spiritual Movement:

·      Describing the ongoing spiritual movement at Asbury University.

·      Noting the involvement and impact on the younger generation and the wider community.

5.   A Call to Transformation:

·      Discussing the need for a lasting transformation in the lives of individuals and the Church.

·      Emphasizing the importance of living out the spiritual awakening in daily life.

6.   Unity and Ecumenism:

·      Reflecting on the role of unity and ecumenism in the context of the spiritual movement.

·      Discussing the unity that the movement fosters among diverse groups.

7.   Prayer and Continued Participation:

·      Encouraging listeners to pray for the continued impact and spread of the spiritual movement.

·      Providing information on how to stay updated and participate in the events at Asbury University.


·      Expressing gratitude for the ongoing spiritual movement and its potential to transform lives.

·      Encouraging listeners to seek God's transformation in their own lives and communities.