Real Living

Real Living

The Passion Special Presentation Part Four

May 23, 2023


Show Notes :


  • Discussing the significance of the burial and resurrection of Jesus, the culmination of our faith.
  • Addressing misconceptions and indifference regarding the resurrection.
  • Delving into the attacks on the resurrection throughout history and in recent times.

The Events of Jesus's Burial and Resurrection

  • Recap of the events surrounding the burial and resurrection, emphasizing the earthquake and veil in the temple.
  • Exploring the courage and sacrifice of Joseph of Arimathea, a secret follower of Jesus who claimed His body for burial.

The Tomb and the Shroud of Turin

  • Discussing the traditional and proposed locations of Jesus's tomb, including Gordon's Calvary and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • Introduction to the Shroud of Turin, presenting evidence and theories surrounding this ancient relic.
  • Emphasizing the importance of understanding the burial and resurrection of Jesus in our faith.
  • Encouragement to reflect on the historical and spiritual significance of these events.
  • The discussion revolves around various theories regarding the resurrection of Jesus and its relation to the Shroud of Turin.
  • The theories discussed include the wrong tomb theory, the swoon theory, the stolen body theory, and hallucination theories.
  • Additional theories explored include the spiritual resurrection theory and modernist theories, focusing on the scientific and historical aspects of these viewpoints.
  • The wrong tomb theory suggests that the women and the guards went to the wrong tomb, leading to the belief that Jesus had risen.
  • The swoon theory proposes that Jesus survived the crucifixion and revived in the tomb, later appearing to his disciples.
  • The stolen body theory suggests that the disciples stole Jesus' body and propagated the resurrection story.
  • The hallucination theory contends that the disciples experienced collective hallucinations, giving rise to the belief in the resurrection.
  • The spiritual resurrection theory argues that Jesus spiritually resurrected, with the disciples mistakenly interpreting it as a physical resurrection.
  • The modernist theory posits that the resurrection is a supernatural, unprovable event and thus discounts historical evidence.
  • The speaker begins by emphasizing that the belief in the resurrection of Jesus is central to Christianity and not something that gradually developed over time.
  • The speaker argues that the idea of Jesus' resurrection was present from the very beginning of Christianity, debunking the notion that it evolved over centuries.
  • The absence of eyewitnesses does not negate the possibility of an event, drawing a comparison with scientific theories like the Big Bang and evolutionary history where eyewitnesses were not present.
  • The speaker outlines various pieces of evidence supporting the resurrection, such as Gospel testimonies, transformation of disciples, and historical accounts.
  • Exploring the potential connection of the Shroud of Turin to the resurrection event and its significance.
  • Highlighting the remarkable transformation of early disciples from skeptics to fervent preachers, attributing this change to the reality of Jesus' resurrection.
  • Responding to theories and counterarguments against the resurrection, emphasizing the supernatural foundation of Christian faith.
  • Emphasizing that Christian faith is grounded in the encounter with the resurrected Jesus and the transformative power it holds for believers.


Additional Information:

  • The Shroud of Turin is briefly discussed as an artifact linked to the resurrection and its potential role in the events surrounding Jesus' death and burial.
  • The podcast emphasizes the need to critically analyze and evaluate different theories and perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.