Real Living

Real Living

New CUA President

April 25, 2023


·      Hosts: Lavinia Spirito, Mary Lou Nemechek

·      Topic: Discussing an article from the National Catholic Register about the new president of Catholic University of America, Dr. Peter Kilpatrick, focusing on his conversion, Catholic identity, and approach to engineering through faith.

Segment 1: The Intriguing Article

·      Lavinia introduces the article title: "Peter Kilpatrick discusses his conversion, Catholic identity and engineering through the lens of faith."

·      Mary Lou highlights her initial interest in the article and its significance for the Catholic community.

Segment 2: Dr. Kilpatrick's Faith Journey

·      Discussion about Dr. Kilpatrick's journey from being a non-Catholic to his conversion and his commitment to raising his children in the Catholic faith.

·      Emphasis on the importance of raising children within the faith and the role of baptism in preparing them for a life of faith.

Segment 3: Integration of Faith and Profession

·      Exploring Dr. Kilpatrick's view on the role of a Catholic in society, specifically in the field of chemical engineering.

·      Highlighting the importance of integrating faith and reason and how specialized knowledge should be contextualized within God's plan.

Segment 4: The Purpose of Catholic Universities

·      Delving into Dr. Kilpatrick's vision for Catholic universities, emphasizing the need to reintegrate disciplines to provide a holistic understanding of knowledge and faith.

·      Discussing the historical role of universities, particularly the Catholic influence, and the importance of faith in academia.

Segment 5: The Importance of Living Out Faith Publicly

·      Addressing misconceptions about keeping faith private and highlighting the essential role of faith in public life and societal transformation.

·      Reflecting on the challenges of living out one's faith openly in today's society and the opportunities for conversion and evangelization.

Segment 6: Nurturing a Sense of Sacredness and Pro-Life Advocacy

·      Discussing the impact of the pandemic on people's sense of the sacred and the need for reconnection with the liturgy and community.

·      Highlighting Dr. Kilpatrick's pro-life activities and his dedication to defending the sanctity of life in various aspects of society.


·      Encouraging support and prayers for Dr. Peter Kilpatrick in his role as the new president of Catholic University of America, emphasizing the importance of both academic excellence and a strong Catholic identity in higher education.