Real Living

Real Living

Italy Pilgrimage '23 Show 3

January 31, 2023


·      Welcome to "Real Living" with Lavinia Spirito and Mary Lou Nemechek, discussing their upcoming pilgrimage to Italy in January 2023.

·      Discussing the previous shows where they detailed the day trips from their base in Assisi.

Exploring Holy Places:

·      Emphasizing the uniqueness and spiritual depth of each pilgrimage.

·      Encouraging the audience to revisit holy places and absorb the spiritual gifts offered.

St. Peter's Basilica and Scavi Tour:

·      Describing the experience of visiting St. Peter's Basilica, the Scavi Tour, and the historical significance of the site.

·      Sharing personal experiences and advice for visiting this sacred place.

Upcoming Itinerary:

·      Outlining the planned visits to various historical and religious sites in Rome, including Santa Maria in Trastevere and Santa Maria del Popolo.

·      Highlighting the importance of each site and its connection to faith and history.

Visiting Family Heritage:

·      Discussing a special field trip to Anagni, exploring family heritage and historical landmarks.

Exploring Ancient Churches:

·      Discussing visits to churches like Santa Prasede and Santa Pudenziana, showcasing their historical significance and ancient mosaics.

·      Reflecting on the spiritual impact of these visits.


·      Expressing excitement for the upcoming trip and the spiritual journey it promises.

·      Encouraging listeners to join them on this enriching pilgrimage experience.