Real Living

Real Living

Italy Pilgrimage '23 Show 2

January 24, 2023


·      Lavinia Spirita and Mary Lou Nemechek discuss their return to podcasting after a long break and their enthusiasm for the upcoming Italy pilgrimage in January 2023.

·      Pilgrimage Highlights

·      The pilgrimage will unfold in two remarkable locations: Assisi and Rome.

·      The choice of these two locations allows for a centralized staging area to explore various places in central Italy.

·      The discussion touches on their anticipation and excitement for this journey.

·      Recalling Past Experiences

·      Mary Lou fondly recalls her previous visit to Orvieto, sharing anecdotes of shopping and purchases made there.

·      The hosts emphasize the potential for great deals and unique finds in Italian hill towns during the winter months.

·      Siena and St. Catherine of Siena

·      Mary Lou and Lavinia talk about their plans to visit Siena and its significance in the pilgrimage.

·      The discussion centers around the life and impact of St. Catherine of Siena, a Doctor of the Church, and her strong influence on their spiritual journey.

·      Exploring St. Catherine's House

·      Details about the house where St. Catherine of Siena lived and the spiritual atmosphere they expect to experience.

·      Insights into St. Catherine's exceptional mystical experiences and her role in negotiating peace settlements.

·      Palio di Siena

·      A brief introduction to the Palio di Siena, a famous horse race that takes place in Siena.

·      The hosts mention the excitement and unique traditions associated with this event.

·      The Scavi Tour in Rome

·      A description of the anticipated tour of the Vatican Necropolis (scavi) below St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

·      Discussion on the historical significance and archeological discoveries awaiting them during this tour.

·      Conclusion

·      A glimpse into the upcoming episode, promising a deeper exploration of the first-century necropolis in Rome.

·      Thanking the audience for joining and inviting them to tune in for the next episode to continue this thrilling Italy pilgrimage journey.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures and spiritual discoveries in the next episode of Real Living.