Real Living

Real Living

9 Days Of Power

December 27, 2022


·      Host: Lavinia Spirito

·      Co-host: Mary Lou (day off)

·      Invitation to a special event before Pentecost, May 27th to June 4th, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

·      The event includes English and Spanish talks, with summaries in both languages.

Understanding the Pentecost Novena

·      Explanation of a novena and its origins from the book of Acts.

·      Emphasizing the importance of the Holy Spirit in Christian life.

·      Encouragement for introspection and study on the Holy Spirit before Pentecost.

Pentecost: A Historical and Spiritual Context

·      Origin and meaning of the word "Pentecost" from ancient Greek.

·      Connection to the Jewish Festival of Weeks (Shavuot) and its significance.

·      The manifestation of the Holy Spirit as described in the book of Acts during Pentecost.

Themes and Talks during the Nine Days of Power

1.   Day 1 - May 27th

·      Location: St. Leo's Catholic Church in Versailles.

·      Topic: Repent and Believe the Gospel by Fr. Chris Clay.

2.   Day 2 - May 28th

·      Location: St. Leo's Catholic Church in Versailles.

·      Topic: Daily Encounter with Christ by Deacon Tim Weinman.

3.   Day 3 - May 29th

·      Location: Cathedral of Christ the King in Lexington.

·      Topic: Lord, You Teach us to Pray by Fr. Steve Roberts.

4.   Day 4 - May 30th

·      Location: Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary in Lexington.

·      Topic: The Person of the Holy Spirit (in Spanish) by Father Miguel Alvizures, translated to English.

5.   Day 5 - May 31st

·      Location: Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary in Lexington.

·      Topic: Overview of Life in the Spirit by Deacon Nick Nickel.

6.   Day 6 - June 1st

·      Location: Cathedral of Christ the King in Lexington.

·      Topic: Prayer, Healing, and Deliverance by Samuel Ayoah.

7.   Day 7 - June 2nd

·      Location: Cathedral of Christ the King in Lexington.

·      Topic: Evangelization by Lavinia Spirito.

8.   Day 8 - June 3rd

·      Location: Cathedral of Christ the King in Lexington.

·      Topic: Discipleship by Father John Moriarty.

9.   Day 9 - June 4th

·      Location: Cathedral of Christ the King in Lexington.

·      Part 1: Night of Worship (Praise, worship, prayers, and prayer ministry).

·      Part 2: Fellowship Gathering to celebrate the Day of Pentecost.


·      Invitation to join the event and find more information at Cathedral CTK.