Real Living

Real Living

12 Reasons Jesus Had to Be Born

November 08, 2022

In this episode of Real Living, hosts Lavinia Spirida and Mary Lou Nemechek explore Chapter 5 of the book "True Leadership" from the Habegger Institute for Catholic Leadership. They delve into the foundational aspects of being an effective Christian leader, focusing on Christian conviction, character, vocation, gifts, and skills. They emphasize that Christian conviction is the most vital aspect and discuss how faith, hope, and love form the basis of this conviction.

1.   Introduction to Christian Conviction (0:00 - 6:18)

·      Lavinia and Mary Lou introduce the theme of the episode, highlighting the importance of Christian conviction in effective leadership.

·      They stress the significance of Christian conviction over skills and how it is essential for being a disciple and a leader.

2.   Unpacking Christian Conviction (6:18 - 17:20)

·      They emphasize the significance of faith, hope, and love as foundational elements of Christian conviction, likening Christian conviction to Christian conversion.

·      They discuss the importance of actively applying Christian principles in evaluating events and avoiding a worldly judgmental approach.

·      Mary Lou shares personal stories and experiences to illustrate the application of Christian conviction in various situations.

3.   Faith: Seeing the Unseen (17:20 - 30:56)

·      They discuss the meaning of faith and how it involves perceiving the invisible aspects of life and recognizing the existence and presence of God.

·      Various questions related to faith are raised to encourage self-reflection and a deeper understanding of faith's role in life.

4.   Hope: Orienting to a Future Good (30:56 - 38:17)

·      The hosts explore the concept of hope and resilience in the face of setbacks and sufferings, emphasizing the importance of hope in Christian life.

·      They discuss the role of hope in keeping a positive outlook despite life's challenges and uncertainties.

5.   Love: Living for God and Others (38:17 - 46:27)

·      Love is presented as a crucial aspect of Christian conviction, focusing on living for God and others rather than for oneself.

·      They emphasize the need to find joy in being sons and daughters of God and being content with His arrangements, trusting in His wisdom and love.

6.   Conclusion and Encouragement (46:27 - 51:34)

·      Lavinia and Mary Lou conclude by reiterating the importance of faith, hope, and love in Christian conviction and effective leadership.

·      They highlight the significance of feeding the mind with faith, truth, and love and encouraging a positive outlook on life.