On Auschwitz

On Auschwitz

Latest Episodes

"On Auschwitz" (37): Different cases of organized resistance at Auschwitz
September 29, 2023

In the history of Auschwitz, there were instances when prisoners tried to resist. The most famous event is the Sonderkommando revolt that took place at Auschwitz II-Birkenau on 7 October 1944. This story is told in episode 21 of our podcast. However, ther

"On Auschwitz" (36): The story of Sophie Stippel, the cook of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss
September 01, 2023

One of the prisoners in the first transport of women to Auschwitz - 999 women transferred from Ravensbrück concentration camp in March 1942 - was Sophie Stippel. She was registered as prisoner number 619.  She was arrested because she belonged to the grou

"On Auschwitz" (35): Plunder of the property of Auschwitz victims
August 11, 2023

One of the elements of the operation of the Auschwitz camp was looting of the property of people deported to the camp. This was most intensified when Nazi Germany began the extermination of Jews at Auschwitz.  Most of the property - after being sorted and

"On Auschwitz" (34): The first moments at the Auschwitz camp
July 27, 2023

You have arrived not at a sanatorium but at a German concentration camp in which the only way out is through the chimney. If someone doesn’t like this, he may at once go to the wires. If there are any Jews in this transport, they have no right to live lon

"On Auschwitz" (33): Creation of the Auschwitz Memorial
July 02, 2023

After the liberation of Auschwitz, its two main parts - the former main camp (Auschwitz I) and Auschwitz II-Birkenau - were first placed under the control of the Soviet military authorities. In the first of these, from February to September 1945, Soviet f

"On Auschwitz" (32): Documents analisis: how Auschwitz camp attempted to transfer 30 women prisoners from Ravensbrück
June 30, 2023

The analysis of the surviving documents of the camp administration makes it possible, on the one hand, to trace how the centralised concentration camp system administered by the SS in Nazi Germany functioned, while, on the other hand, it also shows variou

"On Auschwitz" (31): Christian clergy at Auschwitz
May 05, 2023

The Germans incarcerated at least 464 priests, seminarians & monks as well as 35 nuns in #Auschwitz. Teresa Wontor Cichy, from the Museum’s Research Center talks about the fate of Christian clergy and about religious life in the camp. See also our on

"On Auschwitz" (30): Why the Auschwitz camp was not bombed?
March 20, 2023

The Auschwitz II-Birkenau gas chambers and crematoria never became targets for Allied bombing, despite reports about their existence forwarded both by the Polish resistance movement and some people who escaped from the camp. Instead, American bombers carr

"On Auschwitz" (29): British prisoners of war near the Auschwitz camp
February 24, 2023

One of the groups of witnesses to the crimes perpetrated at the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz were British prisoners of war who were forced to work on the construction of the IG Farbenindustrie factory. The building site was located in th

"On Auschwitz" (28): Liberation of the Auschwitz camp
January 27, 2023

On 27 January 1945, Red Army soldiers liberated over 7,000 prisoners of the Auschwitz. The 1,689-day history of this concentration and extermination camp came to an end. Dr Jacek Lachendro of the Museum Research Centre tells us what the last days of Ausch