Heartland Baptist Fellowship >> Essentials of Apologetics
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Evolutionary Error - The Fossil Record
The Fossil record is by far the most well known of all evidences for evolution but the reality is the fossil record is not as complete as many make it seem. There are problems in the record that leave a lot to be desired as a proof of evolution
Evolutionary Error - The Fossil Record
The Fossil record is by far the most well known of all evidences for evolution but the reality is the fossil record is not as ...
Evolutionary Error Part 1
Darwin may have captured the imagination of millions but the truth is all things have a creative history. Evolution and its tales leave much behind ...
Proof from Design
The evidence is there in the design of all things that the universe and all created things are designed. Fine tuning confirms the need for ...
Cosmological Argument Part 2
The proof for God begins with the evidence found in the universe. There are many theories for things such as multiple universes, self creation, or ...
The Cosmological Argument Pt 1
The proof for God begins with the evidence found in the universe. There are many theories for things such as multiple universes, self creation, or ...
Proof For God - Cause Pt 2
Part to of the answer for the answer to the question of Why is there something rather than nothing? The proofs for God are varied ...
Proof For God - Cause
Why is there something rather than nothing? The proofs for God are varied but consistent and the first proof is the proof for cause. The question that humanity seeks to answer is why is there a universe and what is its cause. Whether its quantum physics o
Understanding Knowledge
God declares that he desires all of us to come to the knowledge of the truth but 20 centuries of the philosophy from the mind of men have clouded the issue but the Word of God still stands in contrast to the differing often contradictory ideas of existent
What is Truth
Blase Pascal said of truth “Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it”. The reality is so few thought to what truth is before they begin to develop a belief about anything. Ye