Reel Review with Zoe (Real FM)

Reel 2: What is Wickedness? (feat. Chaplin Justin)
Welcome to Reel 2, Zoe's deeper dive on the new film, Wicked (Part 1, 2024). Zoe enjoyed the movie and recommended it on her spoiler free Reel 1 but now she dives deeper into the movie's themes alongside her special guest, Chaplin Justin. Chaplin Justin is a host of the Faith Refresh podcast on the Real FM Podcast network, and he was the perfect person to talk to.
Leaving the theater, Zoe had a lot of questions about Wicked. One of the film's lines is something like, "Was she born wicked? Or was wickedness thrust upon her?" And it made Zoe wonder... "Are we born sinful? Or is sinfulness thrust upon us?" Meaning, are we truly responsible for our sins? What does it mean to be "wicked"?
Another big question Zoe had about this movie is how people feel about "bad guys" being portrayed as misunderstood good guys, and "good guys" actually being the bad guys.... it seems to many that good and bad don't hold meaning, truth and morality are out the window. But through this conversation, Chaplin Justin helps Zoe unpack the ways Jesus told his stories in the Bible, and good and bad may not be as black and white as we want to think... and actually, perhaps stories like Wicked can help us emphasize more with our neighbors.