The 2 Minute Word
Went and Did
James 1:22 MSG
“Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in on ear and out the other. Act on what you hear.”
This is the Word of Lord, Praise be unto God!
By Tris No H
This is the story of Went and Did. Their proper names are George Went and Margaret Did. They were dependable agents of the King, always tried their best to do their best.
The King they served assigned missions and each mission was completed it was marked with the agent’s name. The agent with the highest number of files completed at the end of the year got a great reward and was proclaimed awesome throughout the kingdom.
One day a new agent moved into the kingdom and he very much wanted to win the great reward. He was handsome and charming with an exotic name. His name was Thaddeus Procrastination. He always looked good and had a nice smile but was late for every meeting and never quite completed his missions ever on time. But he always had a good excuse.
One day the king had an important mission and needed people he could trust. George Went, Margaret Did and Thaddeus Procrastination along with many other royal subjects stood before the King and listened intensely to the instructions for the mission.
After the King finished giving the instructions, He asked for two volunteers and said that this mission would not only count for 10 other missions but would always make them great heroes throughout the land.
Immediately George Went, Margrett Did and Thaddeus Procrastination quickly threw up their hands. The king smiled and happily chose George Went and Margaret Did for the big assignment.
Thaddeus was very upset, and began yelling at the top of his voice, “Why can’t have this assignment?”
The King sighed and said, “Thad when the day is done it is imperative that the assignment be marked as Went and Did, and not Procrastination”.
This is Tris no H reminding you that when God tells you to do something your report needs to say went and did so you can quickly be promoted to the next assignment.