TWIRL: Two Women Inspiring Real Life

TWIRL: Two Women Inspiring Real Life

Latest Episodes

Discerning the health propaganda
February 26, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Discover the journey towards optimal health with Mike Vera, host of Healthy & Awake. Join me as we challenge conventional

They turned the COVID business shutdown into a small business movement
February 20, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Small businesses, the backbone of our nation, faced unprecedented challenges in 2020 due to government-imposed lockdowns.

We need a story of resilience, faith, heart, and spine
February 13, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin A mother who wrestled and eventually succumbed to addiction, frequent moves, stints in foster care, personal health issue

Walk As Free People
February 06, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Join us in a compelling conversation with Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano, a former US Army Colonel with a rich milit

Nutrition and the longevity equation
January 29, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Discover the revolutionary world of health and longevity with Dr. Anil Bajnath. As we explore his unique blend of convent

How to declutter, and destress
January 23, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Clutter challenges us all, yet it can escalate into hoarding, a severe mental disorder. We explore the journey from clutt

A chat with US Representative Scott Perry
January 15, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania exemplifies true Conservative values in Congress. A former brigadier general and

Experts reveal the secrets to new year resolutions and roadblocks…
January 09, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Only 9% of resolutions are kept. 23% end after one week, 43% after one month. Not great odds for success! What can we do

Tips and strategy, health for the holidays
December 21, 2023

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Dr. Herzog shares many ways to prevent illness through nutrition, supplements, activity, and time outside (even barefoote

Advancing Marxism in our Libraries, but Zero Tolerance for Christianity
December 11, 2023

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin While Ms. Drabinski and her friends at ALA see themselves as fierce defenders of liberty, the kind and tolerant folks at