brain cell thief

brain cell thief

Latest Episodes

being overwhelmed
October 17, 2021

hey guys! i’m back! sorry for being M.I.A. for so long!! i’ve had a lot going on. in this episode, i do a brief overview of my last view months and what i’ve been up to. then i talk about one of the worst feelings. being overwhelmed. and i talk about how

a fun continues list!
July 19, 2021

hey! sorry i’ve been gone for a few weeks, i’ve been a little busy. this weeks episode is a little on the longer side to make up for it though! i found a list on tiktok that i thought i’d go over and give my responses to! hopefully some of you also reach

June 22, 2021

in this episode, i talk about things we all struggle with! and while we talk, i do some fun arts and crafts! maybe you can do some fun art with me!

fears + bonus content :)
June 08, 2021

in this episode i talk about some of my viewers fears. and how relatable they are. then, since today is national best friend day, i talk about my best friends, as some bonus content for all you lovely humans!

coping mechanisms
June 01, 2021

heyyyy! in this episode i go over some useful coping mechanisms that i use. and i talk about some experiences i’ve been through, hoping maybe people find me interesting :)

insecurities in general
May 24, 2021

in this episode i get some of my listeners to send in their insecurities, and i read them off to you all and talk about how it’s okay, and you aren’t alone. also sorry that this episode is a little long, i rambled way to much :)

my body insecurities
May 18, 2021

in this episode, (the first official episode!!) i talk about things i’m insecure about. because i want people to know that it’s normal to be insecure, but just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s okay. our bodies are beautiful, and we should treat them

get to know me!!!
May 10, 2021

hey! this is my first episode! i ramble quite a bit. but the basic point of this episode is to let you guys get to know me. it’s just some background knowledge about me, so things i mention later on down the road, make sense. okie dokie, ✌