

Latest Episodes

Story #8 Nestlé
January 15, 2021

I for one love dairy products and obviously water but to think this company commits such cruelties is saddening, is there anything the common person can do?

Story #7 Monty Python
January 15, 2021

Monty Python is an utterly hilarious group and I encourage any listen to go watch them if you haven't and to watch them again if you have.

Story #6 Right Wing Media Distrust
January 15, 2021

A follow up to my previous episode.  Now I'll be taking a look at why conservatives either dislike or distrust the media.

Story #5 American Media Distrust
January 15, 2021

Americans have always disliked the news in a way, but now it has grown too far. Americans have grown way too suspicious of the media while the media grow all the more political and partisan.

Story #2 A Review of Monopoly
October 16, 2020

A short and simple review of Monopoly and some if it's social effects.