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Ep.6 - Summery Archaeology
October 03, 2021

夏天的尾聲,我們回顧了800公里搬家的旅程、尋找藍莓森林的過程,以及幸運找到蘋果、西洋梨樹的幸運。當然焦點還是放在Ola這個夏天的工作,在瑞典工作難找,考古的工作合約尤其得來不易,雖然這個夏天沒有獲得正式的聘僱合約,但有幸能夠參與以前學校老師的一個研究計畫,也因此開拓人脈網絡,得到秋季的一個考古工作。考古看似離我們的生活很遠,但每一個新的發現都能讓我們對以前人類的生活及文化脈絡有更近一步的認識,怎麼能不被吸引呢~ In this summery, we throwback to the summer ti

Ep.5 - Some thoughts about CORONA
August 15, 2021

今年五月台灣疫情爆發時,我們有感而發不專業地聊了關於台灣、瑞典的防疫政策與身為一介平凡百姓的感受,若有任何問題或是想與我們討論的內容,請來信與我們聯絡,祝大家平安、健康! You are probably tired of listening to news about corona and so am I (Winnie). But, here are some of our thoughts that we'd like to share as both Sweden and Taiwan have

Ep.4 - Mountains of tests that I conquered
June 21, 2021

嗨,我從考試地獄回來啦!瑞典語學校 (SFI) 要升級或是畢業都需要考過國家考試,又因為台灣的英文教育不被瑞典認可,於是我也花了一點時間上了高中英文課,終於在六月中都順利結束了。這一集我們聊聊瑞典的英文、瑞典語考試,還有未來學習、就業路徑的規劃。 We were planning to talk a little bit about corona in Taiwan and Sweden but Winnie also wanted to complain/brag about how many Swed

Ep.3 - We got an(other) apartment! In Sweden!
April 30, 2021

我們要搬家啦!台灣的房價越看越讓人望之卻步,反觀瑞典,年輕人買房好像天經地義,甚至比租房來得簡單一些,倒是找到合適的房子有些棘手。這一集我們來聊聊瑞典租房、買房的不同方式,以及我們的競標過程與經驗。Yes we are moving! To a town that sounds a bit like a Korean town: Kimstad. In this episode, we talk about the process and experience of our apartment hunti

Ep.2 - We built an igloo without a roof during Easter!
March 30, 2021

上週日歐洲調整為夏令時間,雖然我們這兒的路邊還有大大小小的雪山,不過已經可以大致宣告春天即將來臨,這星期馬上就要迎來春季第一個長假期-復活節!這一集我們聊聊「女巫會聚集和惡魔開會」、「孩子要扮成老人去鄰居家裡要糖果」的節日。 It's almost spring and the first holiday in the season is coming up. In this episode we talk about Ola's family's traditions during Easter wee

Ep.1 - Fourth time's the charm?
March 14, 2021

你以為我們到此為止了嗎?哈哈哈才不會這麼輕易就放棄呢!這一集我們聊聊關於那些沒有順利學成和目前正在努力學習的語言,以及瑞典提供給移民的免費瑞典語教育。 You might think that we have given up on this podcast but NO NO NO! Not yet. Here we present you the real first episode, ta da! Ola has been taking  Chinese classes for a sho

Ep.0.5 - Snow alert!
February 28, 2021

新手上路經過一系列的技術性問題和重重難關,我們終於產出了第0.5集! 這一集內容我們聊聊今年一月瑞典北部的天氣以及在冷冽的冬日中如何消磨時光,請繫緊安全帶,坐上我們的北極特快車。 A month belated, after technological issues and a lack of commitment, here it finally is! The first (0,5) episode. We talk about the weather (everyday we are shoveli