Gutter Art

Gutter Art

Latest Episodes

#3- Comics In A Classroom?
May 07, 2021

I'm riding solo this episode.  In this episode, I discuss an early classroom experience I had with comic books.  I also discuss the graphic novels Understanding Comics, Ms. Marvel: No Normal, Persepolis, Fun Home, Stitches, March: Book One, Hey,

#2- Those Philistines Who Hate Comics
May 03, 2021

I'm joined by brother, Jonny Catalano, again on the podcast.  We dive into the graphic novels Fun Home, Persepolis, Hey, Kiddo, and Stitches.  

#1- Men In Spandex
April 30, 2021

This is the pilot episode of Gutter Art, a podcast where I discuss comics, graphic novels, and comic book movies.  My name is Jeffry Catalano, and I'm joined by my brother Jonny Catalano on the first episode of my podcast.  We start the show by