Question Period

Question Period

Latest Episodes

Ep. 17: What’s the Difference Between a Province and a Territory?
November 04, 2015

Despite some unfortunate technical difficulties, Steven and Steven are still able to work through an answer.

Ep. 16: What Problems Does Mandatory Voting Solve?
October 28, 2015

We have another listener question! Australian listener Matt Cowlrick asks about the pros and cons of Mandatory Voting. ANNOUNCEMENT: As of this week, Question Period will be moving to a once a week release schedule. New episodes will come out every We

Ep. 15: Does the Party That Wins the Most Seats Win the Election?
October 23, 2015

In Canada, the answer is no. In this episode we find out why.

Ep. 14: What is a Cabinet?
October 21, 2015

Today we have another listener question, this one from listener Wes Lord. Wes wants to know about the Cabinet... so does Dave.

Special: Who Won the Election?
October 20, 2015

In this special episode Dave asks Steven about the 2015 election results!

Ep. 13: Why Should People Vote?
October 19, 2015

Steven explains why you should vote. Dave listens.

Ep. 12: If my dream was to become Prime Minister of Canada one day, where would I start to make this dream a reality?
October 16, 2015

Have you ever wanted to be Prime Minister? In this episode We have another listener question about how to go about doing doing it. This question is from our friends at (a website dedicated to providing voters with the most accurate election

Ep. 11: What Is the Conservative Party of Canada Conserving?
October 14, 2015

In this episode Steven explains what the Conservative Party of Canada is conserving... the answer is not what youre expecting.

Special: Question Period on CBC’s All Points West
October 12, 2015

For Thanksgiving Monday, heres a special Holiday treat: Dave and Steven make an appearance on CBCs All Points West with Robyn Burns.

Ep. 10: How does strategic voting work (and does it work)?
October 09, 2015

In this episode Dave asks Steven about Strategic Voting. Steven answers, and the answer is complicated. and#160;